The identity always carries the handwritten script font, Tim Hortons, usually in red, but sometimes reversed in white on a red and yellow oval. As well, product packaging such as the original coffee canister or the signature coffee bean bags to brew at home. You will find the iconic handwritten logo on signage, mugs, paper cups, donut and the famous Timbits take-away boxes. The handwriting or script-based logo elements takes many changes through the evolution of the restaurant chain operations, yet the handwritten font script has never changed. The iconic identity of Tim Hortons is based on Tim’s signature. In 2021, Tim Horton's gross sales was over 8.2 billion Canadian dollars with McDonald's ranked second with six billion in gross sales.

That is, Tim Hortons sells more food in Canada than McDonalds does. Tim Hortons is bigger than McDonalds in Canada. The name was later abbreviated to "Tim Horton's" and then changed to "Tim Hortons" without the possessive apostrophe. The chain's first doughnut store opened on under the name "Tim Horton Donuts". Two highlighted and popular donuts in the early days were the Apple Fritter and the Dutchie. At the time of Tim’s death, there were 40 Tim Hortons restaurants.”

The Buffalo Sabres retired his Number 2 sweater as a tribute to his memory. He was traveling back to Buffalo from a game at Maple Leaf Gardens when he was killed in an automobile accident on February 21, 1974.

The Tim Hortons’ website writes, “ Sadly, Tim did not live to witness the chain’s great success. Horton realized one day his NHL hockey career would end and so he looked for a prosperous business opportunity, deciding to invest in the coffee and donut business. Tim Hortons was founded in 1964 in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, offering two products-coffee and donuts.