With the high spirit of a true Pokemon fan, Mega Moemon FireRed – a hack Posted in GBA ROM Hacks Mega Moemon FireRed Mega Moemon FireRed : Reviving a nearly-dropped project long time ago isn’t something so easy to do for everyone.This hack takes place in another dimension, not the normal world we Posted in GBA ROM Hacks It comes from the ideas of a pokecommunity user named Manekimoney.

SMASHMONS: Spirit Red SMASHMONS: Spirit Red is a Pokemon Fire Red hack.Pokemon Amazing Cortana Pokemon Amazing Cortana : At first, maybe Pokemon Amazing Cortana is a little bit of weird in both storyline and gameplay… but when start playing it, it is a worth trying.So, do you realize which game I am talking about? Yup, it is Pokemon: Pit of 100 Trials of Pokemon Fire Red.

Pokemon: Pit of 100 Trials Pokemon: Pit of 100 Trials : Again, you will enjoy another Pokemon adventure.This is a joint project with Yuuiii Posted in GBA ROM Hacks Pokemon Radical Red Pokemon Radical Red : Fire Red enhancement hacks are definitely a dime a dozen these days, so you're probably wondering what this hack has to offer.It is a gift for you from Anthroyd and he hopes you will like it. Pokemon Dreary Pokemon Dreary is an excellent hack from Pokemon Fire Red with special awesome attributes.The author - chainfire57's vision of this romhack was to create it without adding new Posted in GBA ROM Hacks