The New DirectX Control Panel We will need to deal with it to enable D3D debug and to manage other stuff, so first thing is to learn to differentiate between the old one (June 2010 DirectX SDK) and the new ones (Windows SDK). So, we will try to cover all the possible cases you could face when trying to activate the Debug Output in D3D, no matter if you work in Windows 7 with the old version of (June 2010), if you are in Windows 7 or Windows 8 and use, or if you are in the latest Windows 8.1 with its own. Keep in mind that some of the DirectX features are no longer distributed with the DirectX SDK, but with the Windows SDK. The following video explains some of the changes related to D3D Debugging, the DirectX Control Panel, and how all the new infrastructure works: You can also access the content. As because Microsoft has told that tis can emulate the Dx11 Features on a Dx10 GPU. This Dxcpl.exe is a kind of setting for Dx10 and Dx11. According to Microsoft Windows 8 has a DirectX Warper capable of Executing.